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  • libbytyree

Eat Only Purple Food And Lose 50 Pounds In 5 Days!

Why we seriously need to stop torturing ourselves with clickbait...

I'm 100% guilty of clicking on those articles, of buying those diet books, of obsessively reading some health guru's blog. The answer to long lasting health and happiness has to be out there somewhere, right?

Maybe it's not. We're all different. We all have different lives, different bodies, different needs. The comparison of yourself to someone else is rarely a productive exercise - particularly when that comparison is based on someone you only know via media (books, socials, blogs, etc.).

Trying to force your mind and body to follow someone else's health journey might work, but maybe it won't. Someone else's journey isn't your journey. What works for them might not work for you, and that's okay.

I'll give you an example. Several years ago we made a serious go of being vegan - both for health and ethical reasons. We did it as a family for 8 or 9 months, and although I was able to successfully navigate veganism and my health improved - my husband had the opposite reaction. He felt sick. He had weird symptoms. We tweaked what we were eating and added different vitamins and supplements to try and treat the issues he was having, but in the end the only thing that worked was leaving veganism behind.

In that 8 or 9 months we ate the same things. We exercised the same amounts. But the two of us had drastically different reactions to the same "healthy" diet.

The point here is to let common sense prevail. If you want to be healthier, try the things that make the most sense. Eat real food. Don't eat a ton of sugar. Do some physical activity. Experiment with the different schools of thought on what works. Find out what does and doesn't work for you.

And don't waste your time on a plan that involves eating nothing but purple food. You're smarter than that:)

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